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Šios savaitės plenariniai posėdžiai Strasbūre – paskutiniai šioje kadencijoje. EP nuotr.

                Praėjusi savaitė Europos Parlamento nariams, nusprendusiems nebekandidatuoti rinkimuose, buvo ypatinga. Kaip paprastai, posėdžiavome frakcijose, apstu kitų renginių, skirtų aktualiausių problemų aptarimui. Ir kartu vis labiau jautėsi atsisveikinimo nuotaika. Štai susirinko mūsų frakcijos aplinkosaugos komiteto nariai – kad dar kartą pabendrautume, pasakytume sudie geram trečdaliui, kurie nebesieksime perrinkimo.

                 Šios savaitės plenariniai posėdžiai Strasbūre – paskutiniai šioje kadencijoje. Po jų visas dėmesys bus sutelktas rinkiminei kampanijai. Po gegužės 25-osios, biržel senieji EP nariai ir naujai išrinktieji bus kviečiami į frakcijų posėdžius Briuselyje. Ir į dar vieną plenarinę sesiją Strasbūre, kur įvyks „estafetės perdavimas“. Birželio 30-ąją pasibaigs senųjų Europos Parlamento narių įgaliojimai, o liepos 1-ąją oficialiai pradės savo kadenciją naujieji.

                 Neretai išgirstu klausimą – kodėl, dėl kokių priežasčių nusprendžiau nebedalyvauti Europos Parlamento rinkimuose?

                Atvirai kalbant, dar prieš penkerius metus dvejojau, ar verta kandidatuoti antrai kadencijai. Tačiau šį kartą buvau aiškiai apsisprendęs nesiekti perrinkimo. Priežasčių daug. Reikia jausti, kada turi pats sau – nelaukdamas, kol kiti paragins – pasakyti: užteks, laikas užleisti kelią jaunesniems. Žinoma norėtųsi, kad jie kibtų į darbą atsakingai, su entuziazmu. Labai paskatino ir mano seno bičiulio Česlovo Juršėno pavyzdys. Daug kas be jo tiesiog neįsivaizdavo Seimo, sakė, kad  Česlovas tikrai pajėgus dirbti ne blogiau už žymiai jaunesnius. Ir man nemažai LSDP skyrių siūlė kandidatuoti į EP – padėkojau, bet tvirtai atsisakiau. Dažnai susitinkame su Česlovu, jis pasipasakoja, kad pastarieji pusantrų metų, kai jis nebe Seimo narys, labai įdomūs, kupini veiklos.

                 O dėl ateities... Planų aibės. Kartą lėktuve pamėginau pasižymėti visa tai, kuo man būtų įdomu užsiimti - išėjo ilgiausias sąrašas. Gal trečdalį jo ir pavyks realizuoti. Mano pirmoji profesija – žurnalistas. Tad nemažai laiko praleisiu prie kompiuterio – daugiau rašysiu nei skaitysiu. Turiu ką papasakoti apie žmones, kuriuos teko sutikti gyvenimo kelyje. Domiuosi istorija, esu sukaupęs nemaža archyvų. Kiek būsiu reikalingas, dalyvausiu ir socialdemokratų partijos veikloje. Kai kurių užsienio šalių, ypač Vokietijos, institutai bei NVO siūlo padirbėti visuomeniniais pagrindais jų valdybose, patariamosiose tarybose. Atsirinkęs kai kam atsakysiu teigiamai. Namuose ne tik lentynose, bet ir ant stalų, palangių sugulė šimtai knygų, kurias esu atsidėjęs skaitymui. Myliu teatrą, tačiau lankausi jame priešokiais – mėginsiu ir tai kompensuoti. Žinoma, traukia tenisas, plaukimas, sodo darbų malonumai. Ir paskutinis pagal eilę, bet ne pagal svarbą – pagaliau galėsiu daugiau pabūti su šeima, su anūkais.

                Žodžiu, nuobodžiauti tikrai neteks. Visą gyvenimą man  trūkdavo laiko. Ko gero, ir naujame etape bus tas pats. Vis prisimenu vieną seno mano draugo pašmaikštavimą: labiausiai užimti žmonės – tai pensininkai...

2015 09 19 vwuuwpjxb
Gloomy under eye circles is one of the biggest beauty problems women face. The discoloration of the skin under the eye is usually referred to as dark circles. It is also known as dark rings or shadows.Doctors say the causes behind the formation of dark circles include inheritance, aging, dry skin, prolonged crying, working for long hours in front of a computer, mental or physical stress, lack of sleep and an unhealthy diet. Both women and men of different age groups can have dark circles.Dark circles are not a serious skin problem, but they usually give the impression that one looks older, unhealthy, tired and exhausted. You can easily get rid of unsightly shadows under your eyes using some easy home remedies.Here are ten steps to follow to remove dark under eye circles: 1) Almond oil: It is a great natural ingredient that is beneficial for the soft and sensitive skin around the eyes. Using almond oil regularly will help the eye circles to fade. You can also use vitamin E oil to put a stop to the circles under the eyes. All you need to do is to apply some before going to bed and massage into the skin. Wash it the next morning with cold water and do it until all darkness is gone.2) Lemon juice: The vitamin C in this citrus juice can lighten and tighten the skin under the eyes. All you need is to use a cotton ball to apply fresh lemon juice around your eyes. Leave it on for about 10 minutes and rinse it off. Do this once daily for a few weeks. You can also make a thick paste by mixing one tablespoon of lemon juice, two tablespoons of tomato puree, a pinch of gram flour and turmeric powder. Apply this thick paste gently around your eyes. Rinse it off with clean water after 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat two or three times every week. Remember that if the lemon juice causes a burning sensation then discontinue its use.3) Cucumber: This vegetable has skin lightening properties that help fix those dark under eye circles naturally, aside from it being soothing and refreshing. All you need to do is to cut thick slices and cool them in the refrigerator for up to an hour. Place them on the eyes and relax for at least 10 minutes then wash with cold water and repeat twice a day for at least two weeks. You can also mix cucumber juice with lemon juice in equal amounts. Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture on the affected skin. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash it off with water. Follow this remedy daily for at least one week.4) Tomato: This fruit has properties to bleach and lighten the skin to a great extent. All you need to do is to mix one teaspoon of freshly squeezed tomato juice with one-half teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply gently on the eye and especially on your dark circles and leave for at least 10 minutes. Rinse it off with cold water. Follow this remedy twice a day for a few weeks. Another trick is to drink a full glass of tomato juice, adding lemon juice, salt and a few mint leaves. For maximum results, be sure to drink this juice immediately after making it. Drink it once or twice a day for about a week.5) Raw potato: This vegetable is a natural bleaching agent, it will help lighten dark circles and remove puffiness around the eyes. All you need to do is to grate a potato to help extract the juice. Soak a cotton ball in the juice and place it over your eyes and relax a little making sure the juice covers the dark circles under your eyes as well as the eyelids. Leave the juice to sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse well with cold water. Repeat once or twice daily for a few weeks. If this is too much to do, simply use thick potato slices over the eyes to remove dark circles.6) Rose water: This fragrant water has an incredible ingredient for skin care. It revives the skin and has a soothing effect on exhausted eyes. Due to its mild astringent properties, it also works as a natural skin toner. All you need is to soak a cotton ball in pure, cold rose water for a few minutes. Place the soaked cotton on the eyes and enjoy the chills. Leave it for at least 15 minutes and rinse with cold water. 7) Tea bags: The caffeine and antioxidants existing in tea bags can be highly beneficial for erasing dark circles and puffiness under the eyes by shrinking the blood vessels and reducing water retention. After rinsing two tea bags in hot water, chill them in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes, then place them over each eye for another 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water. Do it twice a day. 8) Cold icepack: This compress is able to tighten the blood vessels under the eyes and helps in reducing puffiness and dark circles. All you need to do is to place the pack on the eyes for 10 minutes or alternatively, you can wrap a number of ice cubes in a soft fabric or towel and place it under your eyes for 10 minutes. You can also use a bag of frozen peas, a chilled teabag or a cold spoon. 9) Turmeric: This spice has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help minimize dark circles. It will also make the skin around your eyes smoother and softer. All you need is to mix two teaspoons of turmeric and pineapple juice to make a nice paste, then apply this paste on the eyes and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse off with cold water. 10) Coconut oil: This oil is an effective natural remedy that will help lighten dark circles under the eyes. Due to its moisturizing quality, coconut oil also promotes smooth skin and prevents wrinkles and fine lines under the eyes. You can just massage some extra virgin coconut oil under the eye area and leave over night and wash off first thing in the morning with cold water. You will love the feel of softness, the effect that it will leave on your lashes and the thickness it will give. 鈥擡mail: canada goose outlet FOOD FACTS o Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping In her role, the former Stokesley Comprehensive School pupil is responsible for booking in vehicles for services and MOTs, dealing with enquiries and completing paperwork. Uggs Outlet They need a candidate first. You get the signatures and don t have a candidate, you re kind of up the creek, Sensenbrenner says of Democrats. 4 of 7 Coach Outlet Lo told the Lolla crowd Friday she had been dreaming of playing this festival, but from her perspective, it was probably better than she could have imagined. 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2015 09 08 gojhwonsk
Local NewsLocal NewsUpdated: Tuesday, August 11 2015 10:01 PM EDT2015-08-12 02:01:36 GMTPATH commuters dealt withextensive delays on the Hoboken to the World Trade Center line and the Journal Square to 33rd Street line in both directions in Manhattan/New Jersey Tuesday morning.PATH commuters dealt withextensive delays on the Hoboken to the World Trade Center line and the Journal Square to 33rd Street line in both directions in Manhattan/New Jersey Tuesday morning.Updated: Tuesday, August 11 2015 6:20 PM EDT2015-08-11 22:20:35 GMTOfficials say a New York City inmate at the Rikers Island jail complex has been diagnosed with Legionnaires disease.But a City Hall spokeswoman said Tuesday that health officials don t believe the 63-year-old inmate s case is connected to a larger outbreak in the South Bronx.Officials say a New York City inmate at the Rikers Island jail complex has been diagnosed with Legionnaires disease.But a City Hall spokeswoman said Tuesday that health officials don t believe the 63-year-old inmate s case is connected to a larger outbreak in the South Bronx.Updated: Tuesday, August 11 2015 6:07 PM EDT2015-08-11 22:07:46 GMTNew York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says 12 people have now died from a Legionnaires disease outbreak.New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says 12 people have now died from a Legionnaires disease outbreak.Updated: Tuesday, August 11 2015 3:27 PM EDT2015-08-11 19:27:40 GMTNew York State NewsAn autopsy is scheduled for a man believed to be the boyfriend of Annie Lennox s daughter who vanished after the two were involved in a kayaking accident in New York.Authorities in New York say the body of a man found in the Hudson River after a kayaking accident is that of the boyfriend of Annie Lennox s daughter.Dutchess County Sheriff s Capt. John Watterson says an autopsy conducted Tuesday confirmed the body is that of Ian Jones, 32.Updated: Tuesday, August 11 2015 2:13 PM EDT2015-08-11 18:13:45 GMTNew York Jets quarterbackGenoSmith will be sidelined at least 6-10 weeks after being punched in the jaw by teammate Ikemefuna Enemkpali.New York Jets quarterbackGenoSmith will be sidelined at least 6-10 weeks after being punched in the jaw by teammate Ikemefuna Enemkpali.Updated: Tuesday, August 11 2015 12:31 PM EDT2015-08-11 16:31:21 GMTDonald Trump, who knows a thing or two about marketing, has launched a website to buy his campaign gear.Donald Trump, who knows a thing or two about marketing, has launched a website to buy his campaign gear.Updated: Tuesday, August 11 2015 12:23 PM EDT2015-08-11 16:23:21 GMTThe National Transportation Safety Board on Tuesday blamed a fatigued Wal-Mart truck driver for a highway crash last year that severely injured comedian Tracy Morgan and killed another comedian.The National Transportation Safety Board on Tuesday blamed a fatigued Wal-Mart truck driver for a highway crash last year that severely injured comedian Tracy Morgan and killed another comedian.Updated: Tuesday, August 11 2015 9:07 AM EDT2015-08-11 13:07:50 GMTPolice are seeking three suspects stemming from a road rage incident that left a motorist stabbed and beaten near the Jersey shore.Police are seeking three suspects stemming from a road rage incident that left a motorist stabbed and beaten near the Jersey shore.Updated: Monday, August 10 2015 10:47 PM EDT2015-08-11 02:47:54 GMTThe Guardian Angels have decided to go back to foot patrols for the first time in two decades because of the recent spike in violent crimes in New York City.The Guardian Angels have decided to go back to foot patrols for the first time in two decades because of the recent spike in violent crimes in New York City.Updated: Monday, August 10 2015 9:50 PM EDT2015-08-11 01:50:49 GMTA police union has launched a social media campaign to spark policy changes.Frustrated officers are also enlisting the public s help to deal with homeless problems.A police union has launched a social media campaign to spark policy changes.Frustrated officers are also enlisting the public s help to deal with homeless problems. 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I ended up expressing my concerns about how all these people are gathered to represent the voiceless, and the people most affected by these disparities aren鈥檛 even invited. I started reaching out to Pastor Gee and other Black leaders, trying to get involved, and people just kept kind of pushing me to the side. 鈥榃e鈥檙e not there yet, we鈥檙e not there yet, we don鈥檛 have anything for you to do, just come to these forums.鈥?And I was disappointed because these forums are really about educating white people about discrimination鈥攚hat it looks like, how disparities happen. But as a Black woman I know those stories. I have that information. I live that life. People I work with live that life. So I really wasn鈥檛 interested in learning something I already know; I wanted to do something. I wanted a more direct-action approach versus just having these same conversations that we鈥檝e had in Madison for thirty years. The coalition to address race and equity] is called Justified Anger鈥攚here is the anger? It鈥檚 not showing, you know? And that鈥檚 no disrespect to the leaders and people who are organizing that, and have organized that, and it鈥檚 working. But, for me, I needed something more tangible. Previously we had to assume certain things, so it has increased the accuracy of our understanding of where important structures are ... It has also allowed us to cut less than what we used to cut out, he said. Cheap MLB Jerseys For the time being, the focus remains primarily on advantages the weak euro has for the economy. The general rule of thumb is that a devaluation of 5 percent will translate to additional growth of 0.3 percentage points in the euro zone. But what side effects will it have? And at what point might it get dangerous? s Wholesale Jerseys The cabaret clubs closed with the bad-bet casinos; workmen鈥檚 clubs became redundant, too, or they only employed singers. Sportsmen鈥檚 dinners kicked in. Usually he shares a bill with a sporting celebrity, supporting ever more. 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Of course, wolves killed people in the past. But that was before we had firearms. Wolves have learned that people can also be dangerous when they're far away, which is why they normally make a wide berth around us. He always had a dark room, Sheard's son remembered. He did do color (photos) occasionally, but it was rare that he even shot with a flash. He worked with natural light. Comments on the draft bison EIS can be submitted until Sept. 11 at 5 p.m. online at: or mailed to: Bison Conservation and Management EIS, Montana Fish, Wildlife Parks, P.O. 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But Fuller's father, who was always working on car engines in the home garage 鈥?one of my early memories is him dropping a gearbox on my hand 鈥?took young Michael seriously. He said it was time to write letters to Formula One teams and ask their advice. u Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping The new generation of trains will enter service on the Great Western Main Line, which runs via Bristol to south Wales, in 2017, and the East Coast Main Line, which connects the North-East to Scotland and London, the following year. Nike Roshe Run 1699, Dec. 15. Peter theGreat decrees that fromJan. 1, 1700, Russia will observe theJulian Calendar, andact which held force until 1918 when theSoviet government accepted theGregorian Calendar, thus bringing Russia inline with most ofthe rest ofthe world.
2014 04 24 Rina
Linkime, kad laiko netrūktu ir pavyktų darbai.
2014 04 17 aš ir mes
o mes,trakų regiono socdemai,gyvename ant istorinės žemės,vadinasi, istoriją,bent jau lsdp, turime tęsti šviesią vardan rinkimų,kuriuos įdalykins išmintinga lietuvos darbo liaudis prašau susipažinti su atgaivintos,beje, ėjusios nuo 2008 metų,vytauto didžiojo tėvonijos metrikos 47 numeriu ( pagarbiai lentvario kuratorius j.p.,2014 04 17

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