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Marius Skarupskas: Left Wing University Program “Europe in Lithuania and Lithuania in Europe” (2009 12 31)

Integration of European Political Dimension in Social Democratic Party of Lithuania

The Social Democratic Party of Lithuania is going to implement training program aimed to grant basic knowledge of European policy and essential competences of political activity to members and support groups (labour unions, national minority communities, local communities, etc.) of the party in the year 2010.

The prepared training program “Europe in Lithuania and Lithuania in Europe” aims to look for parallels and basic connections between activity of Social Democrats in the European Union and left wing policy dimension in Lithuania as well as integrate European experience in Lithuanian left-wing policy by presenting work of the European Parliament and its impact on national and regional development of Lithuania.

The training program comprises of three basic parts. First, it is important to make each person understand what he/she strives for in his/her life and what is his/her area in policy. Hence, personal aims and goals must be put. The second part covers organization of the European Union and Lithuania; this also concerns the issue of ideologies and the place of political parties in governance of a state.

The third and the most important part of the program is oriented towards ideology and structure of Social Democracy and answers questions how the Social Democrat Party of Lithuania acts at the European level and how the party organization works. It also analyzes the main political document of the party. Therefore, the main programme issues like education system, condition of small and medium businesses, healthcare, labour relations, etc. are considered.

This is the initial part of the composite training program and it is designed for novice party members. Later on the more specialized program as well as analysis and presentation of specific areas shall integrate into it.


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