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It is a fellow-feeling and support for weaker brethren - let's offer our hands



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EP this week: asylum, border controls, situation in Turkey (2013 06 10)

Plenary session in Strasbourg

New legislation setting out common procedures for treating asylum applications will be voted on by MEPs during the plenary session starting in Strasbourg on Monday 10 June. They will also talk debate the situation in Turkey and discuss the priorities of the forthcoming European Council meeting that will focus on youth unemployment and challenges in the eurozone.

Plans for common procedures for receiving asylum seekers will be debated on Tuesday and voted on the following day. The legislation includes deadlines for handling asylum applications, a basic set of standards for applicants, and sets out how countries struggling to take in large numbers of asylum seekers should be helped.

The situation in Turkey will be debated with the EU's foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Wednesday. The day after that MEPs will vote on a resolution on Turkey.

MEPs will discuss the economic policy recommendations issued by the European Commission to member states on Wednesday in preparation for the EU summit on 27-28 June in Brussels. They will also talk about measures to fight youth unemployment.

The EP will vote on the budget for the Fund for European Aid to the most deprived, which MEPs say should be kept at €3.5 billion for 2014-2020. The debate will take place on Tuesday and the debate on Wednesday.

MEPs will debate a proposal allowing Schengen inspectors to carry out unannounced visits to prevent national authorities to illegally impose checks on internal borders on Tuesday and vote on it the following day.

The EP is expected to approve on Tuesday new rules that will restrict the marketing of baby milk to ensure breastfeeding is not discouraged.

Large oil, gas, mineral and logging firms would have to disclose worldwide payments to governments under plans to be debated on Tuesday and voted on the following day.

MEPs will vote on Wednesday on whether Croatian politician Neven Mimica is fit to take up duties as a consumer protection commissioner.

Meanwhile Slovenian president Borut Pahor will address the Parliament on Tuesday, while his Portuguese counterpart Anibal Cavaco Silva will do so on Wednesday.

European Parliament Press service ©, 10 June 2013


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