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Interview with Justas Paleckis on Energy Policy in Willy Brandt Newsletter (2007 10 25)


The EP voted last week an initiative report which looks at ways to face challenges to energy security. The EP calls for a common foreign policy for energy based on the principles of diversification, unity in defending EU interests , and solidarity. Paleckis was spokesman for the PES group on this report which calls for a stronger and more unified EU energy policy


- What does the European Parliament want to achieve with a common European foreign policy on energy? 


After some crises and unpleasant news as to the supply of energy, last year the EU began to develop the Common Energy Policy. Now the European Parliament is suggesting starting the development of a Common European Policy on Energy as an integral part of the Common Foreign Policy and the Common Energy Policy. In other words, by pursuing foreign policy, the problems of energy should

always be involved and vice-versa. Such an approach should lead to guaranteeing energy security for the whole of the EU and its individual Member States.


 - How will the EU be able to have sufficient mechanisms in the event of disruptions in supplies?


The intention of the Parliament as a whole, and by no means at the whim of a particular party, is to encourage the creation of a 'solidarity mechanism' to provide equal access to energy for all economic operators in EU27 in times of crisis situations caused by disruption of supply. We recognise at the same time the complexity of this task and the need for a simultaneous use of top-down, as well as bottom-up approaches between the Commission, national governments and energy operators.


- How do you see the role of other third countries as the South Caucasus, Caspian and Central Asia regions in guaranteeing energy security in the EU?    


These three regions are very important for energy security of

the EU and the European Parliament can see a lot of possibilities for developing cooperation.


I would say that by having Russia on board this cooperation will be more fruitful. Euro-Parliamentarians urge the EU to emphasise the mutual interdependence aspect in the EU-Russia energy dialogue, based on principles of non-discrimination and fair treatment as well as on equal market access conditions.  


- Why does the European Parliament call for a special energy representative, which role does he/she has to play?


As stressed in the report, the High Official for Foreign Energy Policy would be wearing a "double hat", being anchored both in the Council and the Commission, whilst acting under the authority of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy - a much strengthened position that will be created after the new Reform Treaty comes into force. She or he should do their best in order that the Union's Foreign and Security policy is merged with the Energy Policy.


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