Je vois l'Union européenne comme une initiative créative et dynamique.
Elle témoigne du sentiment de solidarité, de fraternité et d'entraide
qui nous anime - tendons la main!



Bureau de membre de Parlement Européen Justas Paleckis à Vilnius:

Bureau de Vilnius, Lituanie
12-10 rue Pylimo
LT-01118 - Vilnius

Tel.: +370 5 266 3056
Fax: +370 5 266 3058
E-mail: biuras[arrobase]


Meeting with German „Technisches Hilfswerk“ members 28 May 2013 (2013 05 28)

With Bundestag member, President of Technisches Hilfswerk (THW) Stephan Mayer and THW members

Guests tell about service work - assistance when earthquakes, floods, flows of political refugees and other emergencies

THW has 80 thousand volunteers in Germany

During the meeting

It would be great that such enthusiasts unite in Lithuania as well