Je vois l'Union européenne comme une initiative créative et dynamique.
Elle témoigne du sentiment de solidarité, de fraternité et d'entraide
qui nous anime - tendons la main!



Bureau de membre de Parlement Européen Justas Paleckis à Vilnius:

Bureau de Vilnius, Lituanie
12-10 rue Pylimo
LT-01118 - Vilnius

Tel.: +370 5 266 3056
Fax: +370 5 266 3058
E-mail: biuras[arrobase]


Visit in Georgia 13-16 Nov. 2012 (2012 11 19)

President's Palace

President's palace from the bridge

„Georgian Dream“ party office

M. Saakashvili's party office

Concert hall - a futuristic building

New pedestrian bridge - a spanish piece of architecture

Pedestrian bridge from different angle

Sculpture of Ronald Reagan at Kura River

A view worth artist's (paint)brush, isn't it?

Shabby buildings and proud old town people

Children help to beg

Tbilisi old town

The old town and its residents

Tbilisi old town

Romantically shabby old town

Spanish aspect is obvious

Mother - Georgian sculpture in Tbilisi

Rustaveli street

Artistic street lamp

Another art spot

Tbilisi art spots

Another renovated corner in the old town

Renovated old-town

Puppet theatre as if Pizza towel

Romantic old-town