Je vois l'Union européenne comme une initiative créative et dynamique.
Elle témoigne du sentiment de solidarité, de fraternité et d'entraide
qui nous anime - tendons la main!



Bureau de membre de Parlement Européen Justas Paleckis à Vilnius:

Bureau de Vilnius, Lituanie
12-10 rue Pylimo
LT-01118 - Vilnius

Tel.: +370 5 266 3056
Fax: +370 5 266 3058
E-mail: biuras[arrobase]


President elections in Russia 04 03 2012 (2012 03 04)

A voting paper with Putin's name

One videocamera targets a voting box, another - registration tables

Votes calculation in polling station No. 1311

To Do box for a new president

Together with international watchers

Policewomen and policemen to keep an order

Warning about video watch and urge to bend voting lists

Everyone could watch elections on line

Rinkëjai po balsavimo gali ir artistø pasirodymus stebëti, ir prekiø nusipirkti

Novel voting

After voting some snack

Voters can play chess or watch TV

St Petersburg at night invites to elections

Candidate photoes

Opposition work result

Voting right at the table

A vote for Putin or Ziuganov?

A new type of voting booth

At a registration table