Je vois l'Union européenne comme une initiative créative et dynamique.
Elle témoigne du sentiment de solidarité, de fraternité et d'entraide
qui nous anime - tendons la main!



Bureau de membre de Parlement Européen Justas Paleckis à Vilnius:

Bureau de Vilnius, Lituanie
12-10 rue Pylimo
LT-01118 - Vilnius

Tel.: +370 5 266 3056
Fax: +370 5 266 3058
E-mail: biuras[arrobase]


E-Discussion In Europe Park (2007 10 12)

2012 10 16 Leonardo
Hmm.You see, I absolutely sropput the right of protest in Parliament Square, and still have my letter giving me permission' to protest there in a file somewhere from when I joined one of the Mark Thomas things.However, I'm not sure I sropput the right of any individual or group of individuals to live in Parliament Square. Run the same protest every day, be there from dawn until you're dog tired, no problem. Crash out every so often, perhaps.But set up an ongoing protest designed to fill the place and be there, fixed, for months? At what point does protest become vagrancy?I think the way they went about trying to remove Brian was completely wrong. But if they'd instead insisted he sleep somewhere else and come back every day, different story entirely. If you go in shifts so someone is always there, also fine by me. But living there? Not sure I approve of that.
2011 12 29 Essie
The answer of an exeprt. Good to hear from you.
2011 04 13 Kayleigh
AFAIC that's the best anwsre so far!

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