I see European Union as a creative and dynamic initiative.
It is a fellow-feeling and support for weaker brethren - let's offer our hands



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Mail: biuras[at sign]paleckis.lt


Mobility week, 16 09 2012 Brussels (2012 09 24)

Cyclists obey traffic laws

Heavy traffc

Bicycles first!

150 euros bail charge for municipal bicycles

A special day for a street artist

Bicycle tour stopped at the Orthodox Cathedral

A queue near Brussels Stock Exchange building

Cafes are full of people

Bench for a rest

First ride

Together with daddy yet!

A perfect day for the youngest too

A perfect day for the youngest too

A bicycle of different type

A perfect day for teenagers

A perfect day for teenagers

It’s a good day for balloons sellers as well

Brand new motocycles

Brand new samples

A brand new samples

It’s a good day for balloons sellers as well

It’s a good day for balloons sellers as well

Heavy traffic in streets

Cyclists friendly streets

Heavy traffic in streets

Family picture

Roller skaters friendly streets

Good mood from Scotland guests

Exception for police, taxi cars & city busses at 30 km/h speed in the streets

A street musician captured pedestrians & cyclists attention

Fruits & other treat for every choice

Cyclists gathering for the concert in Grand Place

Cyclists quenching thirst while old Brussels figures watch them from above

Cyclists gathering for the concert in Grand Place

Performers from Mexico

Roller skaters in streets

Concert audience with bicycles

Cyclists in a street

Master cyclists

Mobility week

Mobility week

Mobility week

Mobility week

Mobility week

Cyclists friendly park in Brussels

Pedestrians friendly park in Brussels

Pedestrians friendly park in Brussels