I see European Union as a creative and dynamic initiative.
It is a fellow-feeling and support for weaker brethren - let's offer our hands



MEP Justas Paleckis Office

Pylimo Street 12-10, LT-01118 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel. +370 5 266 3056
Tel.,Fax +370 5 266 3058
Mail: biuras[at sign]paleckis.lt


Litauen - Land und Leute, 17 March 2011, Luxemburg (2011 03 21)

MEP J.V.Paleckis and pianist D.Maþintas with their spouses

MEP Justas Vincas Paleckis

Robert Rene Wagener, Honorary Consul in Luxembourg, Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the Kingdom of Belgium and to the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

Strassen mayor G.Greiveldinger

Pianist D.Mazintas

Pianist D.Mazintas

Pianist D.Mazintas plays Ciurlionis pieces

Gathering and M.K.Èiurlionis music

Egle Juriene, event organizer

Event organizers


Informational material about Lithuania

Luxemburgers read about Lithuania

N.Janskauskiene, LGS President, reads a report

LGS President N.Jankauskiene with D.Mazintas, pianist