I see European Union as a creative and dynamic initiative.
It is a fellow-feeling and support for weaker brethren - let's offer our hands



MEP Justas Paleckis Office

Pylimo Street 12-10, LT-01118 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel. +370 5 266 3056
Tel.,Fax +370 5 266 3058
Mail: biuras[at sign]paleckis.lt


Vilnius Book Fair 2014 (2014 02 22)

Book fair visitors around. EP Information Office photo

Small talk. EP Information Office photo

Greeting in a book. EP Information Office photo

Greeting in a book. EP Information Office photo

EP Information Office photo

EP Information Office photo

Writing a greeting on a book. EP Information Office photo

Small talk. EP Information Office photo

Writing a greeting on a book. EP Information Office photo

Writing a greeting in a book. EP Information Office photo

This year Vilnius book fair was dedicated for famous Lithuanian author and father of Lithuanian classical poetry Kristijonas Donelaitis. Justas Paleckis and Vilius Kavaliauskas

Near Lithuanian Social Democratic Party exposition

Meeting with book fair visitor

Small talk

Small talk

Book with greeting

A book with greeting


A book with greeting

A book with greeting

Small talk

Many Book Fair visitors wanted a greeting from MEP Justas Paleckis on a book

Moment from the meeting

Moment from the meeting with Book Fair visitors

Good time for a chat

Many Wished To Get A Book

Many Wished To Get A Book

In European Parliament Information Office exposition at Vilnius Book Fair

Meeting with book fair visitors

Meeting with book fair visitors