I see European Union as a creative and dynamic initiative.
It is a fellow-feeling and support for weaker brethren - let's offer our hands



MEP Justas Paleckis Office

Pylimo Street 12-10, LT-01118 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel. +370 5 266 3056
Tel.,Fax +370 5 266 3058
Mail: biuras[at sign]paleckis.lt


Visitors Group 25 04-02 05 2009

Group picture

Vytenis Kersys and Darijus Stonis

Discussion with Justas

Visitors in the EP

Windmills in Germany

Windmill in Holand

During the dinner with Justas

Enjoying seefood

Rytas Staselis and Egle Kiuraite

Rimgaudas Lebedþinskas Prahos parke


Journalist Dalia Joceryte

Stroll in the old town of Prague

Stroll in Brussels

Diana Platiakiene and Daiva Lebednykiene

Berlin in the night

Night spree during Queen's day in Amsterdam

Museum in Berlin

Woman discussions while waiting for Justas' assistants

Woman discussing Justas' book

Pupils Indre Rudokaite and Domantas Spudas

Sleeping in the bus

Laugh of Liudas Kavaliauskas

Liudas Kavaliauskas and Erika Straigyte

Waiting for the meeting in the EP

Waiting for the reception in the EP

Waiting for metro in Berlin


Jurgis Gurstis

Jonas Mikalauskas and the ladies

Thirteen years old Gabriele Mazeikaite is the youngest participant

Impressive compositions in Antverpen

Irena Vilkoniene

Ieva Valutyte during the meeting at the EP

Grazina Grineviciene's and Janina Areskeviciene's joyful conversation

Grazina Grineviciene, Irena Vilkoniene, Jonas Mikalauskas, Rytas Staselis

European Parliament

Moods of EP elections in Brussels

Moods of EP elections in Berlin

At EP plennary hall

Elena Cekiene, Stefanija Varkaviciene and their handwork tablecloth

Elegant Irina Tetervkova in Brussels

Eglë Kiuraitë and Sigitas Urbonas

Domantas Spudas, which found the flag of Lithuania


Deividas Marcinkevièius and Antanas Krûvelis

Danutë Kuzmilavièiûtë and Jonas Bendorius

Ladies raise a glass on interesting contacts and discussions

Dalia Maþeikienë, Gabrielë Maþeikaitë with Justas

Dalia Joèerytë and Liudas Kavaliauskas

Dainius Samuolis

Joint visitors and Justas picture

Asta Kmitienë, Laimutë Dirvonskienë

Asta Kmitienë, Dalia Maþeikienë, her daughter Gabrielë and Laimutë Dirvonskienë

Arvydas Guogis

Channels of Amsterdam

Amsterdam and bicycles

In the Lithuanian Representatives

Information to Amsterdam hotel guests

Down the street towards the bridge

Mistresses of the most beautiful coatch table

On the way to the EP

Our poetess

Competition winner

Group members

Competitions winners Gabriele with her mother Dalia

Listen to a guide story

Gates lead to the garden

Finaly in Prague