I see European Union as a creative and dynamic initiative.
It is a fellow-feeling and support for weaker brethren - let's offer our hands



MEP Justas Paleckis Office

Pylimo Street 12-10, LT-01118 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel. +370 5 266 3056
Tel.,Fax +370 5 266 3058
Mail: biuras[at sign]paleckis.lt


Conference "Solidary Lithuania"

MEP Justas Paleckis

Justas Pankauskas, Irena Ðiaulienë and Prime Minister Gediminas Kirkilas

Professor of University of Latvia and University of Glasgow Charles Woolfson

Chairman of Swedish Parliament Finance committee Thomas Ostros

Participant of the conference Peter Palshoj

MEPs Aloyzas Sakalas and Justas Paleckis

Prime Minister of Lithuania Gediminas Kirkilas

Prime Minister of Lithuania Gediminas Kirkilas and Algirdas Brazauskas