I see European Union as a creative and dynamic initiative.
It is a fellow-feeling and support for weaker brethren - let's offer our hands



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Tel. +370 5 266 3056
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Mail: biuras[at sign]paleckis.lt


Visit in Kosovo

These soldiers from Germany most of the time are occupied with non-military tasks

These green berets are protecting orthodoks monastery in the mountains from hostile Kosovo albanians

This is an ancient orthodoks church which was destroyed not long ago and now rebuilt

Priest of the monestry says that if the guards would be canceled the monestry and the church would be destroyed again

With pope of the monestry

These young italians have been guarding the monestry and the church from political fanatics for few months already

With policeman of Kosovo

EP Delegation On The Ibaro River Bridge

With Kosovo Soldiers

Kosovo Soldier

EP And Kosovo Delegations


MEPs with Kosovo security and defence general S. Selimi